Why Am I Not Getting Darker in the Tanning Bed? [Reasons]

why am i not getting darker in the tanning bed

We all like to have beautiful tan skin. But it is going differently for some of us. You may be looking forward to getting your desired skin through a tanning bed, or you have already tried this process. If you have already gone through this process and did not get the desired skin type, why am I not getting darker in the tanning bed?

Why Am I Not Getting Darker in the Tanning Bed?

We all like to have the perfect skin tan, but we need that opportunity. There are a few ways to get your skin a tan colour. A tan bed is the best and the easiest way to have brown skin. But something else is needed for some of us. If that’s your problem, here are why you don’t get dark enough and some solutions you can use to deal with the situation.

If you are reading this, you have only one thing on your mind: to get darker. Even if you are a newbie or a pro, this article will have all the answers and doubts.

There are a lot of reasons why you are not getting darker in the tanning bed. Let’s see. Considering some things before getting darker, using a tanning bed would be best. So you must know how to use the tanning bed properly. Also, we are going to discuss why you need to get darker. Let’s discuss about it

You May Have Reached Your Limit of Getting Darker

This is a common problem that girls face when they try to get a tan using artificial methods because everyone has a limit on their skin which they can get darker. If your tanning process fails using a tanning bed, then this may be the problem. How darker you get will be different for each person. If you have reached your limit and if you force your skin to get darker, it will not get darker; instead, your skin will burn. 

Wait to decide and have the idea that you have reached your limit of darker skin. Look for the other reasons and conclude. 

You May Haven’t Spent Much Time Enough to Get your Skin Darker

The time you have to spend on the tanning bed depends on each person according to their skin. You also have to remember that you will have to spend some time, like two to three sessions, on the tanning bed to have your desired brown skin because you will most likely not get much darker from your first session.

Please ensure that after you have reached the recommended time to spend on the tanning bed, check whether irritations or sensitivity increase gradually. You are good to go if you don’t see any signs of those symptoms. Then you can slowly increase your time on the tanning bed to get the best results.    

You Haven’t Used Enough Tanning Lotions

If you like having much darker skin, consider using tanning lotions, as it is a great way to make your tanning process easy and effective. You can have only the best results when using tan lotion. If you are ever wondering how this will work, here is the answer; these tanning lotions help your skin to absorb more light and UV rays which will help to maximize the tanning process. 

You May Be Using Low-quality or Wrong Tanning Lights or Bulbs

Using correct and high-quality bulbs will only smooth your tanning process, and the excellent bulbs will get you the perfect skin you are looking for. You will be more than happy.

You May Shower Too Soon After the Tanning Bed Process

This also can be a huge reason you are not getting darker in the tanning bed. A time is recommended before you shower after the tanning process. Make sure to ask about the perfect times to have a shower after tanning.

Professionals mainly recommend at least staying for like four to five hours to take a shower after using the tanning bed.

How to Get Darker Using a Tanning Bed?

Even though you have already used a tanning bed or not, there are a few tips you should consider to have perfect brown skin. I will give you some of the best information you can use to make the tanning process accurate.

There are many reasons why people tend to have artificial or indoor tanning. It is mainly because it is easy; you don’t have to sunbathe to have brown skin, and maybe you are living in a country that doesn’t have much sun exposure. Then these are the best options you may use to get darker.

Remember to Exfoliate your Skin Before you Go Through the Tanning Process

To have the best result before every tanning session, ensure that you exfoliate to remove dirt and dead skin. If you do this before every session, it will make a huge difference. There are different products that you can use to remove your dead skin. You have to buy the best product that suits your skin type. If not, it is most likely to damage the skin.

And also, you will have to refrain from waxing or shaving your body after every session because it may also lead you not to get the best results. Because these processes make your outer skin remove so, you will get rid of a tiny layer of your tanning skin.

Remove all the makeup before using the tanning bed because makeup will create a shield blocking UV rays. So you won’t have the best results. Please make sure you use proper UV bulbs, and confirm it with the professionals.

Keeping your skin hydrated is a must, even before and after the tanning process. Remember, you can get better results if you don’t let your skin dry . So remember to use some body lotion before going into the tanning bed.


You may know why you are not getting darker in the tanning bed. All the reasons and tips to prevent that problem are mentioned above.

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