How to Sharpen Eyeliner Pencil? Step-by-Step Sharpening Guide

sharpen eyeliner pencil

A blunt eyeliner pencil is a big no in the makeup world since it cannot create dreamy wings that any makeup enthusiast desires to achieve. Thus, you need to have appropriate tools in your makeup pouch to sharpen your eyeliner pencil. Luckily, there are some alternative methods to create the sharp point of your eyeliner pencil, apart from using a cosmetic pencil sharpener. In this comprehensive piece of writing, we will discuss all those methods, providing exact steps. So, let’s begin!

How to Sharpen Eyeliner Pencil?

Primarily, you can use a cosmetic pencil sharpener in order to sharpen your eyeliner pencil. It can be a bit of a tricky task, especially for beginners, but fear not, because we’ve got some tested tips to make it a breeze. Here’s our tried-and-true guide:

Tools You Need:

  1. Cosmetic pencil sharpener: This is your go-to tool. But you should avoid regular pencil sharpeners because they’re too tough on the soft eyeliner pencil. Look for a sharpener with two holes, one for slim pencils and one for the thicker ones.
  2. Paper towel or tissue: Essential for catching those shavings and saving your makeup and clothes from a glittery mess.
  3. Optional – Lighter or Freezer: If you’re dealing with gel or kohl eyeliners, we’ve got two tricks up our sleeves. Choose one based on what you’ve got in hand.

Steps to Achieve that Precise Tip:

  1. Prep your pencil:
    • Lighter method: Firstly, hold that lighter about an inch away from the pencil tip for a few seconds. It’s like giving it a little warm-up before the main event. Be cautious – we’re going for a gentle melt, not a fiery disaster.
    • Freezer method: Pop that pencil into the freezer for around 15 minutes. It’s like a quick chill session that makes the core sturdy for sharpening.
  2. Insert the pencil: Secondly, find the perfect hole in the sharpener that matches your pencil’s diameter. You should gently slide it in until the wood feels snug.
  3. Turn the sharpener: Now, the turning begins. Slowly rotate the sharpener handle, applying a gentle touch. No need to go full force since too much pressure can snap that pencil. After a few turns, pause and check that tip.
  4. Repeat and refine: Keep at it until that tip is as sharp as you want it. If it’s still a bit dull, you can give it a few more turns to perfection.
  5. Clean up: Wipe away the evidence – those shavings. A quick cleanup with your trusty paper towel or tissue and you’re good to go!

How Do You Sharpen Eyeliner Pencil Without a Sharpener?

When it comes to sharpening your eyeliner pencil without a cosmetic pencil sharpener, a bit of creativity goes a long way. Here are a couple of alternative methods we have successfully tested:

  1. Pocket Knife Method:

  • Hold the Pencil Firmly: First, grip the eyeliner pencil securely at one end, ensuring you have a good hold on it.
  • Use the Blade: Then, take the pocket knife and gently shave the wood away from the pencil tip. Rotate the pencil as you go to achieve an even sharpen.
  • Check the Sharpness: Pause and check the tip regularly to avoid over-sharpening. Once it reaches the desired point, you’re good to go!
  1. Scissors Method:

  • Hold the Pencil Steadily: Hold the eyeliner pencil firmly in one hand, making sure it’s stable.
  • Scissor Trim: Use the scissors to carefully trim away the wood from the pencil tip. Make sure to trim a bit at a time, rotating the pencil for an even result.
  • Evaluate the Tip: Stop periodically to check the sharpness. Adjust your trimming accordingly until you achieve the desired pointed tip.

Remember to be cautious while using a pocket knife or scissors, ensuring that you’re handling them safely. These methods might not provide the precision of a dedicated sharpener, but in a pinch, they can help you revive that dull eyeliner pencil for your makeup adventures!

Tips to Follow When Sharpening Your Eyeliner Pencil

There are some essential tips to follow when sharpening your eyeliner pencil. Based on our firsthand experiences, here’s a detailed guide on refining your eyeliner pencil game:

  1. Choose Wisely: The most important rule is here first! You should opt for a regular pencil sharpener, but beware – not all sharpeners are created equal. These can be a tad harsh on our delicate eyeliner pencils, often risking a dramatic core break. We recommend you to try out different sharpener brands until you find the one that clicks with your specific pencil.
  2. Tread Lightly: A gentle touch is your ticket to success. Picture it like a soft breeze, not a hurricane. Pressing too hard is the fast track to a mangled pencil.
  3. Angle Matters: Remember to stick to a moderate angle while sharpening. Extreme angles are the villains here, causing uneven sharpness and the dreaded blunt tip.
  4. Prep Steps for Gel/Kohl Pencils: Don’t neglect the warming or freezing step for gel or kohl pencils which we mentioned above. Warming makes it cooperative, and freezing makes it sturdy. Skip this, and you might find yourself in a crumbly sharpening nightmare.
  5. Damaged Pencil Dilemma: If your pencil is already showing battle scars – a broken or chipped core – sharpening might not be the remedy. So, consider trading it in for a fresh pencil for a smoother eyeliner application. We’ve faced our battles, and sometimes, a new pencil is the unsung hero.
  6. Try Alternative Ways Cautiously: Safety reigns supreme! Thus, be careful when using objects like knives or scissors – we’re aiming for beauty, not injuries.


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