Does Ear Wax Removal Hurt? [Explained]

does ear wax removal hurt

There are a few methods of procedure that doctors use to do ear wax removal. You may have the question, ‘does ear wax removal hurt? The answer is no; it does not hurt. You may feel some weird sensations but are not concerned about pain.

Symptoms for Excessive Ear Wax

If you have excessive earwax, it will lead to severe conditions like ear swelling and

  • Ear infections.
  • Feeling unbalanced
  • Sudden loss of hearing
  • Earache
  • Dull pain
  • Pressure in the ear
  • Ringing or buzzing in your ear

Types of Procedures

There are a few types of traditional methods that doctors use for ear wax removal.

  • Manually removing
  • Irrigating using fluid
  • Using ear wax softeners
  • Micro suction

Micro suction is the most common procedure doctors perform to have wax removal. Ear vacuuming is another term for micro-suction. If the doctor doesn’t have access to perform the micro-suction procedure, doctors tend to use irrigation as an alternative.

What is the Process of Micro-suction?

In some cases, you may have yet to be able to undergo micro-suction wax removal. Before you become a candidate for the procedure, the doctor will examine and record your medical history. They will send a small camera to your ear and see for the blockages.

After the examinations, the doctor will insert a long thin ear vacuum and dislodge the ear wax. You will hear some squeaking and crackling inside your ear. After they dislodge the ear wax, they will use a pair of forceps or the vacuum itself to remove the ear wax gently.

What are the Side Effects of Ear Wax Removal Through Micro-suction?

There might be some mild and temporary side effects after the procedure. The most common side effects you will face right after the ear wax removal are feeling dizzy, less hearing, or discomfort caused by the loudness of the process. To reduce these side effects, doctors use ear drops to reduce pain and discomfort. It is said that there are some serious complications that you will have to face after micro-suction. But this happens rarely. They are

Suppose you visit your doctor for micro-suction while you suffer an ear infection. Then, in these instances, you may feel pain and uncomfortable while the micro-suction process due to the pain and swelling due to the condition.

What is Micro-suction?

Micro-suction is a technical procedure doctors use to make your ear clean. They look into your ear using a microscope or endoscope to find the blockage. Most professionals prefer this technique as it is quick and efficient, and also micro-suction is more effective than ear irrigation or removing wax manually.

So Does Ear Wax Removal Hurt?

Is ear wax removal painful? The answer is no. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and involves no special medications or anesthesia to mitigate pain or discomfort. There will be a slight sensation on your part. In a flash, your hearing will be back to normal, and any other issues with your ear due to earwax buildup will resolve after the procedure.

Alternative Procedures for Ear Wax Removal

Use Ear Wax Softeners

To soften your earwax at home, you can purchase ear drops. Even though it is best to use drops specifically designed to remove earwax, mineral oil, hydrogen peroxide, olive oil, or baking soda may also be effective. If this doesn’t work, you will have to channel a doctor.

Ear Irrigation

Professionals initially performed this process. The doctors use water and saline to flush the ear wax during this process. Home bulb syringes and water kits are available if you want to do this at home. But it is best recommended to do this with the help of a professional.

Manually Done by a Doctor or a Professional

Can we do this at home? No, you can’t, and it is hazardous to do it yourself. Your doctor will manually remove earwax using a curved instrument called a curette that does not have access at home. If you try to do this at home, there is a potential risk that you will push the ear wax blockage much deeper, which may result in injury in your ear drum.

So I hope you all get to know the answer to the question, Does ear wax removal hurt? It is a gentle and effective way to get rid of ear wax.


Does Ear Wax Removal Improve Hearing?

It is hard to find a specific answer. You could say yes or no. That depends on the circumstances. It is not said that it will improve hearing, though it will eliminate the hearing issues resulting from the blockage or ear wax.

Is Ear Wax Removal Safe?

Yes, it is considered a safe procedure. Trained professionals always perform the ear wax removal procedure to ensure they are carried out safely. As with every medical procedure, some side effects will cause by ear wax removal.

How to Know Whether you Want to Have Ear Wax Removed?

If you have muffled hearing, tinnitus, pressure in the ear, dull pain, feeling unbalanced, and earache, it is better to go to a doctor and get your ear waxed. Before all of this, you can try some home remedies too. You can use olive oil drops that will help to eliminate minor blockages.

What is the Best Procedure for Ear Wax Removal?

Four main methods are generally used to carry out ear wax removals. They are irrigation, syringing, micro-suction, and manual removal. Micro suction is the most used method that they use to do ear wax removal. It is a procedure with less pain, quick and effective. It does work on both soft and hard wax removal procedures. These procedures usually are carried out by qualified Audiologists.

Does Ear Wax Removal Hurt?

Usually, ear wax procedures are considered painless, even though impacted ear wax can cause swelling and irritation. You will feel weird sensations depending on how you remove the ear wax.

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